Tuesday, January 17, 2012

E-Galley Giveaway

 I am giving away some secure e-galleys of DON'T EVER GET OLD through NetGalley.  To be eligible, just leave a comment on this post, OR tweet a link to any post on this blog you happen to think your followers might enjoy OR tweet at me that you want to be entered, and retweet anything from my Twitter feed, OR add DON'T EVER GET OLD on Goodreads.

The contest ends on February 1, so do this immediately!

I'll assign everyone a number and pick the winners using using Random.org and I'll give away 3 e-galleys of DON'T EVER GET OLD, but if I get up to 1000 followers on Twitter, or if 250 people add me on Goodreads by the end of the contest, I'll give away 5 of these e-galleys, and I'll also give away some muffins from Modern Muffin.  These are some seriously awesome muffins, and the book is pretty good, too. So tell all your friends about my Twitter feed, retweet my funniest tweets to your followers and make me famous.

NetGalley e-galleys are compatible with just about any e-reader, tablet or smartphone, and you can also read it on your PC if you don't have a reader.  If this goes well, I'll run more contests in the future, and give away some print galleys this way as well.

UPDATE: I just ran the Random.org number generator, and the numbers I'd attached to Mindi, Albert and Steph from Twitter came up.  So you get e-galleys. Congratulations.  I'll ask my marketing contact to get your e-mail addresses authorized, and you will be able to download your secure e-galleys to your computer, tablet or e-reader.  I am also having a copy sent to Rita Meade, who is a librarian and blogger and said she wanted one.

ANOTHER UPDATE: If you reach this page from Google, we are doing an giveaway for signed print ARCs through Goodreads. You can enter here:  http://www.goodreads.com/giveaway/show/21061-don-t-ever-get-old


  1. I would love your book! Mind you, the muffins sound like a pretty good consolation prize.

  2. I can't wait to read your book! It sounds awesome! Thanks for making Modern Muffin a part of your success.

  3. Both the book and the muffins are unbelievably great!!!

  4. I have heard so much about this book- and to have one of my favorite authors do a blurb - I cannot wait to read it.

  5. please, please. albert

  6. Of course I would love to read your book!!

  7. Reading a great book while eating muffins sounds wonderful to me! Laine

  8. Looking forward to May 22 unless I win.

  9. what's up dan... its your old summer roommate from nyu law dorms from back in 2005. congrats on the book!

  10. Congrats Daniel. I look forward to reading it.

  11. Your aunts are really pushing your book...look forward to reading it!
    Paula Miller

  12. I'm looking forward to reading your book,Daniel. It sounds great!

    Gloria Paller

  13. Does knowing you since we were in diapers up my chances of winning? Cant wait to read the book!

  14. Loved your book Don't Ever Get Old. Loved Buck and I like your writing style, hope to see more.

  15. Marvellous book. We made and published a review of the german edition: http://www.krimi-tick.de/2014/06/08/die-alten-vor-der-alte-dem-kugeln-nichts-anhaben-konnten-von-daniel-friedman/
