Thursday, January 17, 2013

DON'T EVER GET OLD is nominated for the Edgar

The Mystery Writers of America has nominated DON'T EVER GET OLD for its Edgar award for Best First Novel by an American Author.

The winner will be announced at a gala awards banquet in May.

I am thrilled and honored to be nominated for this prestigious award.

More to come on this.


  1. Hey Daniel. Congrats on the nomination. My name is Tim O'Mara and I'm also a Minotaur author. (Sacrifice Fly, Oct. 2012)
    In addition, I also host/produce a reading series on NYC's Lower East Side. The year we're kicking off NYC Mystery Week with a special night of MWA members on Monday, April 29th. I'm not sure if and when you'll be in the city for the awards event, but I'd love to have you read for us. Do me a favor, and give me a call when you get the chance. I can be reached at 646.416.0986, or, or Again, kudos on the nomination and here's hoping our paths cross soon. Thanks.

  2. I just finished reading your book and I loved it. It is a heck of a story and you don't beat around the bush trying to tell it. It made me laugh out loud several times. I am a long time criminal defense attorney in east TN and I knew your father from statewide criminal defense associations. Also, I graduated from Memphis Law and practiced in Memphis almost four years. My daughter was born at Baptist East in 1983 and we brought her home to Rainbow Circle in Midtown. It is such a shame that your father did not live to see this book in print. He would have been insufferably proud. Robert loved to brag on both of his boys. It would not surprise me at all to see your book made into a first class movie. In fact, I'll be surprised it if isn't. Martha Yoakum

  3. PS: Reading your book, as well as your blog, and marveling at your vocabulary, I have no trouble believing that you are Robert's son. I can hear his influence. Martha Yoakum, Knoxville, TN.

  4. يمكنكم التواصل مع شركة مكافحة حشرات بالاحساء في اي وقت لتستمتعوا بافضل العروض و اقل التكاليف و الخبرة في التخلص من اي حشرة خطيرة في اقل وقت وو باتباع اكثر السبل امانا و من خلال امهر المهندسين الزراعيين

  5. الآن من خلال تواصلك مع اكبر دار مسنين بالقاهرة ستتمكن من الحصول على اقل اسعار دار مسنين بالقاهرة التي يمكنك من خلالها الحصول على جميع خدمات رعاية مسنين بالمنزل المتكاملة على يد فريق متخصص من جليسات دار مسنين ذوي الخبرة الكبيرة في تقديم خدمات رعاية مسنين المتكاملة بمهارة عالية
